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Feel the Magic!

All September, I trained to pace my friend Julija Soryte in the Pinhoti 100, pushing my mileage to new distances.  Waking up early to run, then diving into Hull-some Foods Pitch preparation for the Key4women contest.  WIth no prior experience, I met with countless advisors to clean up my pitch deck and presentation.  It was trial and error, every step of the way.

On my first day practicing my pitch to the Oregon Entrepreneurial Network, I read straight from my slides— only to realize that was a no-go.  I had downloaded a Canva template and picked the prettiest one, full of fun decals, only to later learn that pitch decks should be simple.   Every week, I would meet with someone to challenge me to do better and to make a stronger presentation.  There were so many conflicting ideas of how the pitch should be done, and it wasn't as easy as I thought.  It took a lot of hard work, and I am still trusting that I will have a good outcome.  

I heard a podcast that was talking about being patient and “still feeling the magic.”  I realized that I had been so busy focusing on my pitch that I had lost track of that feeling.  I believe in serendipity, and I know I have to slow down to rediscover that magic.  The next morning, I went running, believe it or not, but I saw a Bobcat! If it wasn't a bobcat, then it was someone’s exotic leopard in the woods.  

I was so calm when I saw this bobcat, because I was confidently practicing my pitch, and the bobcat was also running away from me. It was so magical, the sunglight beaming through the trees!  I caught sight of this 80-pound, white, furry creature with black bordered brown spots as it bounded between the trees and over the brush. I wasn’t scared at all—just amazed. Then I realized I’d accidentally ran the same loop twice, and if I hadn’t, I would’ve missed seeing that beautiful animal. It felt serendipitous, like a good omen or a moment of pure magic. I asked around, and only a few people had ever seen a bobcat in the area. It reminded me that I’m on the right path and things are unfolding just as they should.

I start my day every week attending a cohort with OEN(Oregon Entrepreneurial Network), and I learn about many aspects of having a CPG business. OEN offers support to entrepreneurs, and I am able to practice pitching to investors.  I am just tapping into all that they can do for Hull-some Foods.  The REI accelerator applications finally opened up—-and I applied. It will take eight weeks to see if they like Shredder Cheddar.   I also went to a founders meet up with Built Oregon, where I connected with other CPG entrepreneurs.  My soul was filled with the energy of so many creative and like-minded individuals. Brainstorming with them is one of my favorite things next to running in the mountains with friends.  

I’ve also started working with the SBLC and PSU’s Student Work program to help launch Shredder Cheddar. Collaborating with these students is such a rewarding experience, as they bring fresh, innovative ideas to the table. I’m learning so much from them and appreciate what they contribute to Hull-some Foods.

Now, the Key4Women Pitch contest is tomorrow. I’ve practiced my presentation with family, friends, and clients—anyone who would listen. I’m ready to take the stage and share my vision with the judges. Wish me luck, and please pitch well!  Go big like Shredder Cheddar! 



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